Advanced Problems

Advanced Problems

Advanced Problems display a five-journal system, and are more realistic than junior problems as they use special journals for the input of repetitive, operational transactions. Orders are input into the Orders form (which functions as a sales journal). Orders are periodically posted to update the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger and the general ledger. Purchases, receipts, and payment data are also input into special journals, and update the appropriate ledgers. General journal transactions are input into the general journal.

Advanced Problems are similar to Senior problems but have one important difference. Advanced problems use the Perpetual method of determining the cost of goods sold. The inventory file is updated by both the orders form and the purchase form. Advanced problems also display the SQL form, which allows one to process SQL statements against the database.

See Systems Components for more a detailed discussion of these journals and ledgers.

Advanced problem file names are of the form TxNXtext, where

Advanced problems themselves are referred to as 'Advanced NX', with the leading '0' for N being omitted for convenience.

Special journal transactions - orders, purchases, cash receipts from customers, and cash payments to vendors - are similar in all Advanced problem types. Advanced problem types differ principally in their general ledger transactions.

N1 problems

These problems are straightforward in that most amounts for the general ledger transactions are directly provided.